Hey there, it's me Emma Jane! Have ya missed me? Well, I'm back and better than ever! I turned 5 yrs old on March 13 and a fabulous birthday party was thrown in my honor. I had lots of yummy cake and got lots of new toys. And then we spent the weekend puttering in the garden and planting new flowers to celebrate the official start of spring. And around here, we also celebrate the start of spring with pretty, fresh, springy fabric. This is the brand new Luck Of The Irish Fat Quarter Bundle...... And this is the Walk In The Park Fat Quarter Bundle. It was inspired by the Zoo Fabric from Kate Spain's Central Park Collection..... I hope you're having a wonderful spring and that things are starting to turn green wherever you're at! And now it's time for me to go dig some holes in the freshly planted flower beds! See ya next week.
The winner is Becky who said "Glad to hear that you are healing from your accident. I love Kate Spain's fabric designs. Take care!" Congratulations Becky! Happy March! I apologize for this post being so late. If you read my last blog post, A Very Unfortunate Rotary Cutter Accident, you'll understand why! Anyway, this month we're giving away a Central Park Fat Quarter Bundle by Kate Spain. It's so fresh and springy and bright and happy!
Here's how to enter:
-Leave a blog comment for one entry -Tweet about this giveaway for another entry -Mention this giveaway on Facebook for another entry -Mention this giveaway on your blog for another entry -And I know not everyone has their own blog or twitter or Facebook account......So, you can receive an extra entry if you let me know that you e-mailed at least three friends about this giveaway.
So you can earn up to FIVE chances to win this bundle!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to leave a blog comment for each additional entry that you do. For example....leave your first blog comment about whatever crosses your mind for your first entry. But be sure to leave another comment saying "I tweeted this" or "I facebooked this" so I know that you get extra chances to win.
The Giveaway ends on March 31, 2011. The winner will be chosen on April 1, 2011.
Good Luck and Happy Sewing, Jenny
P.S. Thank you for all the sweet comments about my rotary cutter accident! I'm healing well and I really appreciate all the support and well wishes. You guys are awesome!
Oh.....where do I begin???? I should start with a warning. This post is a cautionary tale about a very unfortunate rotary cutter accident that I had yesterday. Soooo.....if you're squeamish and you don't like the b-word (that red, liquid stuff) don't say I didn't warn you! I woke up this morning wishing really, really hard that what had happened yesterday was a dream. No such luck. I was in a hurry and cutting fabric really fast. I was holding my ruler with my left hand and going full force and full speed with the rotary cutter in my right hand. The rotary cutter "jumped" off the edge of the ruler and went right into my finger.
After much screaming and running around in hysterics I finally looked at my finger. Big mistake. That only led to more hysterics. I had a massive "U" shaped cut on the side of my finger that was down to the bone. Basically, I half-severed my finger. And I was home alone.
I tried to get in touch with John for about two hours. The bleeding wouldn't stop and I was obviously in a lot of pain. He finally saw all my frantic messages as he was about to go fly in the F-15 (he's a Fighter Pilot). Oops - bad timing. I told him to go fly anyway but being the dedicated sweetie that he is he came rushing home to help me.
He called his best friend (who's a doctor) and he got us an appointment with a specialist.....two hours away. I begged and pleaded with the doctor to not do stitches - I couldn't take anymore pain today! My obvious show of wimp-i-ness paid off and I got those tape strip stitches instead and a nice, big, cushy bandage and they sent me on my way.
John took me out to my favorite pizza place after and then I went to bed and slept for 12 hours.
Soooo.....obviously the moral of the story is be VERY careful when you're playing with sharp objects. I managed to cut an artery (that explains the bleeding for hours and hours) and go down to the bone in less than a second. Fortunately, I missed the major nerves and ligaments so I don't need surgery and should regain full function of my finger in about two weeks.
In Summary....
-Rotary Cutters are not your friend
-Tylenol with Codeine is your friend
-Please, please learn from my stupidity and clumsiness and be careful when you're playing with sharp objects!
Happy Sewing, Jenny
P.S. One of my Facebook friends just told me about these amazing Klutz Gloves. They're cut resistant gloves that have some stainless steel in them and rubber grips. They're made to prevent this exact sort of thing. You will see them in the shop VERY soon!