Hey there, it's me Emma Jane! I may have mentioned it to you before, but I LOOOOOVE playing on the beach. There's so much to do and see and smell! And now that it's spring break time the beach has become a bit more interesting. So, in honor of all things beachy and wonderful I picked the Beach Birdies fabric collection as my pick of the week..... I'm loving all the bright colors and the swirly, twirly prints. I think my favorite one is the Flamingo Pink Palm Trees fabric.... I know....big surprise....my favorite is the pink and green one! But I also love the Ocean Blue Pebbles Fabricthat looks like multi-colored water droplets..... Gotta run. The party is starting and there's a beach chair and a pina colada with my name on 'em.
Hey there, it's me Emma Jane! I have got a major case of spring fever right now! The flowers are starting to bloom, the air is starting to get warm and on Saturday we said "hello" to the first official day of spring. So, to honor springtime's arrival I've picked all "springy" fabrics for my Pick Of The Week. These beauties are all from the Flights Of Fancy Collection..... The first one is Spring Papillon. I love all the butterflies flitting across the pink polka dots.... The second is Spring Zinnia Path..... And the third one is Spring Fretwork Stripe..... You can take a peek at all of the Flights of Fancy Springy fabrics here..... Personally, I think you should make something for your new spring wardrobe with some of these fabrics. You can take a peek at our clothing patterns here. And don't tell me you normally don't wear such bright colors or bold prints! I know you can totally pull it off! But, you could also make an outfit for a little girl that you know with one of the patterns here. Or you could make a fabulous new purse for yourself with one of our purse patterns.
I'm gonna get back to rolling around in the grass and soaking up the sights and sounds of spring. See ya next week.
Our sweet Max went to doggie heaven on Sunday, February 28. He was one day away from his 9th birthday. If you've been following along you probably read about his cancer here and here. He was in remission for a few months and doing great. But on February 11 he started declining....very rapidly. And I was taking care of a very sick boy again. So, this is why I've been "extra-strength flakey" lately - and why e-mails and newsletters and blog posts and sewing projects have been delayed. But I'm starting to "come back to life" and get back into my normal routine. And thank you for all the kind messages and prayers and happy thoughts that were sent Max's way - I know he really appreciated them. He was a great guy and will be missed by everyone who knew him.
Hey there, it's me Emma Jane! I just celebrated my 4th Birthday over the weekend.....March 13 to be exact.....and I wanted to share some photos of my celebration. My Mommy got me a beautiful birthday cake..... And this obviously inspired me to pick the "Piece Of Cake" Quilt Pattern as my pick of the week this week..... It's a great pattern that's pretty easy to put together. And it will look beautiful in just about a million different fabric combinations. I love patterns that can be used with any style or color of fabric and still look good.
But let's get back to more about me, shall we? I got tons of presents..... And we went to PetSmart and the fancy dog bakery called the Doggy Bag where we picked up my cake. I was exhausted after all that but I still found the strength to pose for pictures. And it was hard to pose for pictures while sitting next to the cake and not be allowed to eat it. But I did it. For you.
Gotta run.....nom, nom, nom....... they're letting me eat my cake now......nom, nom, nom......
Hey there, it's me Emma Jane! I had an exhausting weekend and used all my energy planting a container garden. It's springtime here in northwest Florida so we couldn't wait to get outside and play in the dirt and plant some flowers. So, that's why I picked the Le Jardin Quilt Pattern by Bunny Hill Designs. It's full of bunnies and flowers.... Isn't it adorable? It was made using the Rouenneries Collection..... But I think it would also look great in pinks and greens (it's my favorite color combination) or in some beautiful shades of blue. Don't you agree?
I need to go roll around in the potting soil and then jump on the sofa - I'm a busy, busy girl. See ya next week.
Hello Everyone! I know, I know - it's been a long time since I've said much of anything here. This year has been pretty darn chaotic so far. The first week of January I had the flu - yuck! The second week of January, John and I went on my birthday trip to Telluride. The vacation was AMAZING! We had so much fun playing in the snow. And John took some beautiful "artsy" photos while we there..... He's getting pretty good at this whole photography thing, don't ya think? Of course, I'm not biased at all!
After vacation I spent the next week trying to catch up on everything that didn't get done the first two weeks of January. Then......insert scary music here.......I ended up in the ER with severe abdominal pains! As it turns out, I had a kidney stone! I have one word to describe kidney stones - OUCH! I'd never had one before and it definitely WAS NOT FUN! If you've ever had one before you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Then in February, a friend of mine found out she has Ovarian Cancer and she's only 32! So, I've been taking some time to help her out. And Max, my sweet Golden Retriever with caner hasn't been doing well. So, I've also been spending A LOT of time taking care of a very sick boy. And I've been sleeping on an air mattress in the living room because he can't make it up the stairs to the bedroom at night. Double Ouch. And then.....yup, there's more.....Emma got a terrible doggy stomach flu and that's why she hasn't been doing "Emma's Pick Of The Week." But she's finally starting to feel better now. Soooo....that should explain why I haven't been around the blog much lately! But, I've got about 10 different projects in various stages of completion that I can't wait to show you.....soon......I hope. Ahhhh.....how I've missed sewing these last few weeks. I definitely need some sewing/baking/crafting therapy.
And Emma plans on returning to "work" next week. She's used up too many of her sick days this year!
I'll be back soon with lots of fun stuff to show ya! Jenny
Please Note: This contest is now closed and a winner has been chosen. Please go to the April 1, 2010 Blog Post to see the April Giveaway.
Happy March! This month we're giving away a Darla Green Fat Quarter Bundle by Tanya Whelan for Free Spirit Fabrics. I thought all the fresh, crisp greens were just the thing to get us in a happy, springtime mood.
Just send us an e-mail with the word Darla in the subject or text and you'll be entered to win. We'll also sign you up for our newsletter (if you're not already on it) unless you write No Newsletter in your e-mail. The last day to enter is March 31, 2010. The winner will be chosen on April 1, 2010 (and no - I'm not going to pull an April Fools joke on anyone. If you get an e-mail saying you won that means you won!) Please feel free to leave a comment (I love to read them!) but be sure to send an e-mail to be officially entered.
Good Luck and Happy Sewing, Jenny
April 1, 2010 Update: Diane I. of West Union, Iowa won this months Giveaway. Congratulations Diane!
P.S. You can read about last month's Cherry-ful Giveaway here. The winner is Jamie L. of Murrysville, PA. Congratulations Jamie!