The most amazing, precious, sweet, adorable puppers in the world turned six years old yesterday! To celebrate we had a little party in the dog park with some of her littermates and her dog daddy. The cuteness was overwhelming but do you know how hard it is to get just ONE good picture of a bunch of dogs running around and playing? Most of the photos were just blurs of fur or insane action shots.... And of course every birthday girl gets a cake! She started licking her lips the second the smell of the cake hit her adorable, little button nose.... And then came the presents! And again, it's just about impossible to get a clear picture of a wildly excited dog with new toys who's on a sugar high! Go, Emma, go! Happy Birthday sweet baby Emma Jane! Mommy loves you! Happy Sewing, Jenny
I'm so excited to finally be able to show this to you! I made it two weeks ago but I had to keep it in hiding until after I gave it to my Mom for her birthday last week. I designed the tote myself and I'm pleasantly surprised.....ummmm.....maybe stunned is a better word....that it turned out better than I had imagined. The exact same thing happened with my Granny Quilt too.....I guess that's a very nice trend around here lately.
I love sewing hexies but the thought of making an entire quilt out of them is just a wee bit intimidating. Small hexie projects are much less scary.... I'm thinking about writing up a pattern for this tote bag. But I'll definitely need to come up with a better name for it than the "Hexie Tote." Let me know if you have any brilliant ideas for naming this thing. And I have about 10 more tote bag/purse ideas flying around in my head that are just waiting to "come to life." And oooohhhh.....I almost forgot to show you one of the best parts.....the blue ticking stripe lining. The inside should look as pretty as the outside, right?! Most of the print fabrics I used are from the Pam Kitty Morning Collection by Lakehouse Dry Goods and I actually used Toweling fabric for the outside of the purse! It kind of looks and feels like linen....but it was much less expensive than linen!
And now that this "Detour Project" is done I can get back to my Granny Square quilt! I have soooo been missing my Granny squares and can't wait to be reunited with them later tonight.
Right now I've gotta run because I have a very important party to attend! The most amazing, precious, sweet, adorable puppers in the world, Emma Jane, turns six years old today! She's been patiently waiting for her doggy birthday cake and presents all day! And I need to go give her about a million more kisses!!!
The winner is Debra Lee who said "I would go with Option 3." Congratulations Debra Lee! Please send me an e-mail and let me know where to mail the bundle to! Happy March! This month we're giving away a 14 piece Breeze Fat Quarter Bundle by Rosemarie Lavin for Windham fabrics. Isn't it beautiful???!!! And I thought it seemed like the perfect fabric collection to celebrate the start of spring!
I've got a little favor to ask first though......Here's the story: I read ALL of your blog comments. I LOVE getting your comments. Sometimes people ask questions in a blog comment. Sometimes I just really want to say something back to one of your wonderful comments! But I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to respond to your comments.
#1 - I could try to e-mail you back. But that only works if you leave your e-mail address in the comment or if you leave your comment with your Google ID I can "hunt" you down. I have no way of e-mailing you if you leave your comment just using the name option or the anonymous option. And if you asked a question there might be other people that have the same question and want to know the answer too!
#2- I could respond to blog comments by posting a blog comment of my own. But does anyone really go back to the blog comments to see if the blogger has left a comment in response to their comment? Whew! Did that make any sense?
#3 - I could do a little "P.S." section at the end of each blog post answering any questions or comments from the previous post.
Or, I could do all three! What do you think? Please leave a comment letting me know what you think about this and you'll be entered to win the Breeze Fat Quarter Bundle!
And while we're on the subject of answering blog comments do you remember the question I asked in the last Giveaway - Do you finish a project before starting another one or do you have many going on at once? It's appears I'm in the majority because about 85% of you said you have many projects going on at once. About 10% of you finish one project before starting another (Wow! I wish I could be like that!). And about 5% of you have 2-3 projects going on at once. That seems reasonable to me!
And a lot of you also mentioned that you have different types of projects going on at the same time. I do that too - I try not to have more than one pieced quilt, one applique project, one purse, one piece of clothing, one embroidery, etc. going on at the same time. Please note that I said I TRY to do this, not that I actually do it!
If you're still reading this, which I hope you are, please leave your comment by midnight on Wednesday, March 7, 2012. We'll pick the winner on Thursday, March 8.
Good Luck and Happy Sewing, Jenny
P.S. I'm going to try method #3 for answering Blog Comments right now! Thanks for all your sweet comments about the Granny Squares! And if you noticed all the comments about cats and were wondering...."what?"'s the story (which you already know if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook) - On Sunday, I locked one of my cats in Mr. Sew Fab's closet ALL DAY LONG. And then on Monday, I locked a different cat in a different closet for several hours. Yes....I'm now worried that they're going to seek revenge! Wouldn't you if you were them?
P.P.S.S. I still haven't been able to "hunt down" JuneBug who won last months Good Fortune Giveaway. If you're the JuneBug who left this comment please contact me. If I don't hear from you soon the Fat Quarters will be MINE.....ALL MINE! Just kidding - I'll just pick another winner if I can't find the first one!