The most amazing, precious, sweet, adorable puppers in the world turned six years old yesterday! To celebrate we had a little party in the dog park with some of her littermates and her dog daddy. The cuteness was overwhelming but do you know how hard it is to get just ONE good picture of a bunch of dogs running around and playing? Most of the photos were just blurs of fur or insane action shots.... And of course every birthday girl gets a cake! She started licking her lips the second the smell of the cake hit her adorable, little button nose.... And then came the presents! And again, it's just about impossible to get a clear picture of a wildly excited dog with new toys who's on a sugar high! Go, Emma, go! Happy Birthday sweet baby Emma Jane! Mommy loves you! Happy Sewing, Jenny
Two thoughts. First, I feel guilty for not having a party for Bea and Charlie on their birthdays. I do make sure my two legged children send them texts, which I read to them. Second, SO. STINKIN'. CUTE!!!!!!!
I love it that you celebrate Emma's birthday! She is sweet! I have 2 Shelties that turned 6 last month, they are sisters! Great family members that we love dearly. Thanks for sharing!
Two thoughts. First, I feel guilty for not having a party for Bea and Charlie on their birthdays. I do make sure my two legged children send them texts, which I read to them. Second, SO. STINKIN'. CUTE!!!!!!!
Omg, such a bundle of cuteness. My favorite dog breed.
I'm glad she had a wonderful birthday. That toy looks like hours of enjoyment.
So dang cute....
happy birthday to my sweet, dear, darling granddog, emma jane.
grandma loves you and you know it!!
And it looks like a good time was had by all! I hope she got lots of good presents from her friends. What a sweetie!
I love it that you celebrate Emma's birthday! She is sweet! I have 2 Shelties that turned 6 last month, they are sisters! Great family members that we love dearly. Thanks for sharing!
What a cutie patootie! My best friend is an 8 year old tricolor Cav. I'd be lost without him. Best breed in the world!
Melody and Lainey say Happy Birthday Emma!
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