We Have A Winner!
The winner is Debra Lee who said "I would go with Option 3." Congratulations Debra Lee! Please send me an e-mail and let me know where to mail the bundle to!I've got a little favor to ask first though......Here's the story: I read ALL of your blog comments. I LOVE getting your comments. Sometimes people ask questions in a blog comment. Sometimes I just really want to say something back to one of your wonderful comments! But I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to respond to your comments.
#1 - I could try to e-mail you back. But that only works if you leave your e-mail address in the comment or if you leave your comment with your Google ID I can "hunt" you down. I have no way of e-mailing you if you leave your comment just using the name option or the anonymous option. And if you asked a question there might be other people that have the same question and want to know the answer too!
#2- I could respond to blog comments by posting a blog comment of my own. But does anyone really go back to the blog comments to see if the blogger has left a comment in response to their comment? Whew! Did that make any sense?
#3 - I could do a little "P.S." section at the end of each blog post answering any questions or comments from the previous post.
Or, I could do all three! What do you think? Please leave a comment letting me know what you think about this and you'll be entered to win the Breeze Fat Quarter Bundle!
And while we're on the subject of answering blog comments do you remember the question I asked in the last Giveaway - Do you finish a project before starting another one or do you have many going on at once? It's appears I'm in the majority because about 85% of you said you have many projects going on at once. About 10% of you finish one project before starting another (Wow! I wish I could be like that!). And about 5% of you have 2-3 projects going on at once. That seems reasonable to me!
And a lot of you also mentioned that you have different types of projects going on at the same time. I do that too - I try not to have more than one pieced quilt, one applique project, one purse, one piece of clothing, one embroidery, etc. going on at the same time. Please note that I said I TRY to do this, not that I actually do it!
If you're still reading this, which I hope you are, please leave your comment by midnight on Wednesday, March 7, 2012. We'll pick the winner on Thursday, March 8.
Good Luck and Happy Sewing,
P.S. I'm going to try method #3 for answering Blog Comments right now! Thanks for all your sweet comments about the Granny Squares! And if you noticed all the comments about cats and were wondering...."what?"....here's the story (which you already know if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook) - On Sunday, I locked one of my cats in Mr. Sew Fab's closet ALL DAY LONG. And then on Monday, I locked a different cat in a different closet for several hours. Yes....I'm now worried that they're going to seek revenge! Wouldn't you if you were them?
P.P.S.S. I still haven't been able to "hunt down" JuneBug who won last months Good Fortune Giveaway. If you're the JuneBug who left this comment please contact me. If I don't hear from you soon the Fat Quarters will be MINE.....ALL MINE! Just kidding - I'll just pick another winner if I can't find the first one!
I think just a p.s. at the end of your post. Doing all three would get to be way too much, I think.
I think Opt 3 would be a lot of work for you, but very nice. I know I read old blogs where someone asked a question and think that would have been nice to know. I like getting responses to my questions. I don't know if I would find them if I looked back to the blog. I follow a lot of blogs and with my poor memory I don't remember who I asked what. You did say you wanted us to write a book, didn't you? hahahaha
I would say don't do #2 - I would never think to go back there to look for an answer. I personally would like getting an email back from you. But if you think it's a question that a lot of people are asking or would be interested in - I would do the PS on the blog posts. That way everyone can learn from 1 person's question :)
I agree #3 works. One person might ask a question but others might also benefit from the answer.
I get email notifications of comments on my blog, so I just reply to those, but some people are no-reply bloggers so that won't always work.
I seldom go back to a prior post unless I'm following the comments.
I think if the questions are something that others needs to know that it could be mentioned in the next blog post. JMHO
I seldom ever work on more than one project at a time. It just makes me nervous to have unfinished projects laying around.
Love the idea of adding a footnote, or a new post with the answers.
I have too many projects of different sorts going on at the same time.
I like the "P.S." idea! It's unique.
I think #3 would be best. Thanks for the chance to win!
Mine go to my email too. If they are all nice comments you could opst a thank you for your comments comment. If there is a question you could email the person back to answer the question.?
I like the idea of a p.s. at the end of the post. I also LOVE that Fat Quarter Set. It is gorgeous!!! Take care~
We couldn't expect you to do all three - that is just too much! I always enjoy learning from others so if you shared questions and answers that would be awesome!! The ps idea would be the best way! Thanks, this fabric is really, really beautiful *sigh*
I think the best and easiest option would be number 3.
I think method 3 is good if it answers questions that other bloggers may have. You always learn something new! I must say, that I do appreciate when blogger replies to my comment (I try to do the same), although I understand that sometimes you don't have the time!
thanks for the chance to win these beautiful fabric!
I do option 1, but I have a smaller blog with not a lot of comments. I think option 3 works, then people still feel answered. I'd advise against option 2, because I think less people would read the comments.
I really like to get an e-mail back when I ask something but I realize that a lot of you get so many comments it wouldn't be possible. So if you don't have the time 3 would do. I always get so excited when you e-mail me back it makes me feel special but realistic I know I am not. Blessings Sandra
ohhh I love that fabric!
Ok, here's my 2 cents...not that they are worth much, but I'll tell you my thoughts:
1.) I'm fairly new to blogging, in that I started June '09. Few things I've learned...I like to reply to comments on my blog, so I hate "no-reply bloggers" Ouch...that sounded harsh! I don't "Hate" them...not at all, that totally came out wrong!!. But I like to reply to everyone so people know that I actually read their posts and I can't reply if they are a "no-reply" blogger.
2.) I follow probably no less than 50 blogs, it may actually be more like 100! So when I leave a comment, I never go back to check if the blogger replied in their own comment section. I frequently check my "Dashboard" and scroll down to see any new blog posts. So once I've gotten to the last one I remember reading, that is where I stop. I can't remember which blog I commented on or not when I'm reading through so many per day.
3.) When a commenter replies to one of my blog posts, I get an email notification. Right from my hotmail message of that comment, I hit "reply" and reply directly to the commenter. That seems to work good. (except, of course, if it's a "no-reply" blogger) I find that is the easiest and best way to communicate with a commenter and a blogger.
So with all that said...I think doing all 3 would be so much work for you! Doing #2 wouldn't really work, b/c like many have said, who goes back and checks all the blogs they've commented on? (and even remembers which ones!) and the problem I have with #3 is again similar to #2, i don't remember what comment or question I asked on other posts. I may get confused. and in all honesty, sometimes I don't read every single blog post from all the bloggers I follow. So if any are like me, they may miss the info.
Anyway, this is a hard dilemma! it's so hard to make sure you are reaching everyone and responding to everyone. I honestly think there is no perfect way. Just do your best with out having to do so much extra work! That's less time to sew, quilt and play with pretty fabric! So i guess ultimately, probably #3 is your best bet if you can't email respond easily to a commenter.
Wow...this is so winded, sorry! Hope this helps a little bit from a novice!
Like many others I think a little PS would be the easiest and then you could get back to working on all of your different projects. I too have many things going at once and then I just stop and go on a big finishing phase. It is a good feeling when the work table is cleaner and ther is a nice pile of finished things! Best wishes for continued success and I do hope I win the beautiful fabrics : )
I think #3 would work best. Everyone gets their answers and maybe less work for you too!
I think do a p.s. session at the end of the post would be nice, and maybe if others have the same question we will be able to learn something from it, too~~
Hmmmmm....I have my blog set to email me each of my comments and then I reply by email. I think it's just what you want to do personally.
I have mine set to email me and I reply via email (if they're no-reply, not much I can do about that).
I like the idea of a PS at the end. It is the easiest way to see if there is an answer, rather than scrolling through all the comments or expecting you to answer twenty of the same question! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd vote for #3; thanks for chance to win this lovely fabric! (marshudson at comcast dot net)
A p.s. would be best. You don't blog too many times a month so it would be easy to find. Love your fabrics and your blog and Facebook, you are our pajama Girl and you are so fun!
I like option #3 - that seems like the easiest way to respond to comments. Besides, doing all three options would seriously cut into your sewing/running/hot tub time!
1. I'd like to win!
2. I do go back to those comments where I asked something. If the blog post is interesting for me I go back and I will read nearly ALL comments.
option three is reasonable ... and workable.
i have scads of projects going all the time, including my knitting, crocheting and embroidery. have to move my old joints around and change my finger work often to keep my fingers working at all. [if i told you this when you brought up the topic - senior moment]
I would do #1. Someone who is no-reply wouldn't really expect a reply anyway, would they? I don't think #2 would work very well.
I think a p.s. at the end of a post would be fine!!
I'm leaning towards #3, thanks for the chance to win these cool fabrics.
I'm in for option three. It looks like the most easier way to answer all comments.
option 2 never works for me. None of us have time to go back to check all the blogs we have left comments on, I would forget which ones they were anyway. It is difficult, you can't do all three otherwise you will be spending all your time at the computer! I prefer getting an email, I guess you could do a post with all the questions and your replies say once a week..I don't know, but I would say do which is easiest for you. x
I like the idea of a P.S. on the next blog post. If Junebug doesn't contact you I'd be happy to give that Good Fortune bundle a good home! Just saying.
I guess if I asked a question I would prefer if you answered me in an email...because like you said rarely do you go back to the post to see if a comment was left on it.
Hi Jenny,
I like option #3, ps at the end of the post.
Love your blog!
Option #3 works for me. Thanks for a chance in this giveaway.
Number three for me too...and thanks for the chance to win such beautiful fabric!!!
whatever you decide is fine with me. I too start many and rarely finish them, I been going to a LQS for 6 yrs doing the BOM's, never put one together in the end. I am such a failure. But I sure would love to win something, boost the old economic outlook-lol. thanks for you neat informations!
aka kingcooper0001@aol.com
I would just reply to the comment unless they are a non-reply blogger. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a wonderful bundle of fabric.
I think Option 3 would work best for the readers but I don't know if it would be easiest for you. Breeze is beautiful!
I think Option 3 would work best for the readers but I don't know if it would be easiest for you. Breeze is beautiful!
I think #3 would be great. Thanks for the chance to win- the Breeze fabrics are so pretty!
An email is great for me, but if the person doesn't leave an email address, option #3 sounds good to me too. Thanks for the chance to win some of this lovely fabric. I haven't seen this one yet!
I think #3 would would work ,with a p.s. when needed. I have 7 quilts in different stages of completion. And about 16 costumes to make for my church before April 4th. So I guess you could say I`m busy. Plus I watch 2 of my grandchildren after school each day till about 10 each night.
Sharon H of Tenn
I think probably #3 would be best. Thanks for another chance at a lovely giveaway!
On my blog I respond to all comments with an email--there wouldn't be as many as you get though! If it is a question that other folks would be interested in knowing, then I'd respond via a future post. I NEVER go back and read comments so I'd never find the answer if you answered as one of the commenters. #3 with the p.s. seems a great choice.
I'd love to win that bundle, but you know what, I'm a new reader and I don't think I commented to win it. Awww....!!!
I also recently purchased fabric from you, and I was totally pleased with how it arrived! I will definitely order again.
I like being emailed in response, but it seems like most people prefer a ps :)
You might consider sending an email to all your subscribers (maybe once a month or so) answering all questions you've received for that month. Simply start a page, copy and paste the question, type your answer, and send it out. It might be interesting reading for everyone. Just a thought. Thanks.
sweepster49 at comcast dot net
I also think the p.s. at the end is a good idea. Thanks for the chance to win some great fabric!
I think a p.s. at the end would work best to answer questions.
I think # 3 would be the best
#3- someone might ask the question but others could benefit as well...
I would opt for #2 or 3. Although I don't always go back through the comments, I do scan through them and stop to read them completely if something catches my eye. And the PS would definitely would catchmy eye
I think #2 might be the easiest for you. If I've asked something, I go back and see if there's a comment.
If the person left a way to be contacted do that. I know I appreciate a personal note. If there isn't a simple way to find them, don't bother with it. I would only do PSs if you felt the question/answer would be of benefit/interest to all your readers. As for option 2, I do so much meandering on blogs that there is no way I could find my way back unless I created a shortcut with a specific reminder....
I would try #3. I've shut my cat in a cabinet before. Not good! Live the bright springy colors! Thanks.....
I love, love, love the colors in the Breeze fat quarter bundle by Rosemarie and would be so honored to be chosen as recipient of this fabric giveaway.
As for the question, I feel doing all three is just way to time consuming for you. I'd be happy with a "PS". #3 is also good, but I think still quite a bit of work for you.
I usually have several projects on the go at once. I like the variety.
You should do whatever is easiest for you...if you spent the time emailing everyone you'd never get time to quilt & blog!
Whatever is easiest for you - it's your blog! LOL!
A p.s. on the next post is OK. I usually just email if I have a question so doesn't interfere with the thread of the posts. On other blogs have seen the ps answers at the end and sometimes was interesting to me too.
Thanks for the giveaway of some gorgeous fabric!
Do what is most easy for you. I love that you are willing to take some time during your busy schedule to answer and read the comments posted. Makes me feel special. Thank you for caring.
I like the p.s. option for the blog readers. Seems to be the easiest to check on. But I know that it is nice to get a response to a question without going back to check. But that only works if there is a way to send a response! Guess there is no real easy method.
You do the best you can and us readers just have to appreciate that! Thanks!!
Hi I like the email option but that might be a lot of extra work for you. After all you should do what you think is best for you. I usually go back and look for a reply if I have asked a specific question. Sandy. :)
I'm new to your site. I think the P.S. would be the best way for you. Although, I would love to receive an email from you. Make it easy for yourself.
I never go back to the same blog post, so for me e-mail would be the best option.
Option 3 so that others can learn from your question! Breeze is so delicate and beautiful. You can tell that her inspiration was her garden :)
The p.s. at the end seems like the best option! Love the fabric you selected for the giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
I think number 3 also.
I think number three would work out nicely, that easy when one person alfa a question many can benefit from it
I think number three would work out nicely, that easy when one person alfa a question many can benefit from it
I always like to get an email, but I think a P.S is a pretty cool idea.
A P.S. is fine but I have always appreciated the personal touch of an email, which ever way suits you best is great though..I don't think it should be a chore. Great that you care enough to ask! Grace:) weftandwarp(at)hotmail(dot)com
I think option 3 is the best all around also. If you email an individual response noone else sees the answer, if you answer on the same blog post it probably won't be seen,who really has time to go back..so going to the next blog post is good and I think it's too time consuming to try and do all of it. Nice thought though.
have them leave their e-mail adress Connie broyles28@msn.com
Connie, sorry had a one track mind. Love breeze. have them leave their email broyles28@msn.com
You have raised a very interesting issue. It would e nice if Blogger would come up with something for all of us to use. Until then I think #3 is a good idea for most.
P.S. thanks for sharing.
I guess that I am with the majority. No.3 sounds best to me. If someone really wants an answer than it is up to them to give you their e-mail address. I have not done blogging, but your material is so pretty that I just had to try.
I believe that if you leave a question along with a comment it should be up to you to follow up on the thread of the conversation. Many people wish to keep their e-mails private from only people they really know and I don't blame them as we seem to be losing that choice lately. I believe a post script would be the way to go also. I love the colors in this group and it would really perk up my living room with a throw or pillow covers for sure. This is exactly the ticket for me!! Thanks Jen as always for your generosity in giving something away each month. Hope that old cut hand is doing well and not giving you any trouble. Your site as always motivates me to get busy and to the machine whenever I can.
I vote for #3...and I think that is way-cool that you do read all the blog comments! Thanks for offering up these fun contests!! --Connie
I vote for #3 I appreciate your interest in replying.
I loves to write PS too..so, I think PS is a ctually a great idea.. Thanks for the chance.
PS. I think I will forgive you if I'm one of your cats. Haha..
I think #3 would probably be my preference =)
I would go with option 3!
I think #3 would be easiest for you - I personally rarely go back to see if my question has been answered though it's great to get an email reply!!
Great fabrics!
I think just do # 3,
Option 3 would be the easiest for you, it seems. #2 wouldn't work; I personally have never gone back to check, & I doubt very many people do. Too many people don't have an email associated with their account for #1 to be effective.
I like option #1 or #3. #3 sounds easiest on you!
I think that what you do must depend on the time you have available. Option 3 is a good choice for questions of general interest. E-mail answers to those who have left a way to get in touch would be a nice thing to do and would be a reasonable alternative.
I think that what you do must depend on the time you have available. Option 3 is a good choice for questions of general interest. E-mail answers to those who have left a way to get in touch would be a nice thing to do and would be a reasonable alternative.
I like #3 but you could have an editors section where you answer questions and make comments. I love the Breeze Fat Quarter Bundle the colors are beautiful. I too have lost a cat for a day and opened my bedroom dresser bottom drawer and there she was sound asleep. Cats are amazeing, the things they do.Janet Lapan you can find me on facebook
I like the #3 option as it would suit most people but I'm also OK with #1 as I have my gmail linked to my blogger comments. A really good thought provoking post & it gets people thinking, well done!
I like the idea of a P.S. at the end of a blog entry - I often am interested in a question someone else has asked, and would like to see a response. You could preface your p.s. with a comment explaining the context so the readers know what is going on.
note: Sometimes I hesitate to comment on blogs because I am concerned that the blogger will feel obligated to respond to all comments, which seems like a lot of work to me.
I think #3 would work but I think #1 is easier. If someone is not posting a way to contact them, how can they expect a reply? It's nice that you care enough to ask this question. Thanks for the chance to win the Breeze FQ bundle - gorgeous fabric line!
I would say to email back for most of them, but if it's really a question that you think a lot of people would be interested, do a blog post about it. :)
I'm THAT Junebug!!! Sorry I haven't been in touch - we've been out of the country for a few weeks and just getting back into the swing of things! I'll email you my details - I CAN'T beleive I have the Good Fortune of winning "Good Fortune"!
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