As always, I spent my time eating and lounging around and sewing and getting caught up on sleep. I made yummy spicy seared tuna with sushi rice, bok choy and homemade beurre blanc sauce (it's the best sauce ever!). If this sounds familiar to some of you it's because it's the signature dish at Roy Yamaguchi's restaurant chain called Roy's.

And I spent tons of time sitting in my NEW HOT TUB! I can't believe I have a hot tub!!! The hot tub was a birthday gift from Mr. Sew Fab and my Mom.....what shall we call her? Mama Sew Fab? Anyway, my birthday was back in January.....or JENuary as I like to call it but unfortunately they couldn't get all the neighborhood approval red tape and the appropriate electrical doo-ma-flochies installed in time for my birthday. just arrived here last week and I'm in love!

The hot tub was going to be a great way to relax after my long runs.....but unfortunately there's no running in my future for a little while. There's a ridiculous and annoying thing called Over-Training Syndrome that you can get from working out too much and I guess I worked out too much. Oops! Did you know you can actually work out too much? Doesn't that sound silly? But I've learned the hard way that it's true. So now the hot tub is going to be part of my over-training recovery! And if anyone out there knows anything about overtraining or has had it or knows someone who has had it please feel free to tell me about it. The insomnia (one of the many FUN symptoms) is kicking my behind! But, I'm looking on the bright side...I'll use the time I would have spent running for sewing instead!
I'm off to go work on Valentine's Day dinner. Yes, I know it's the 13th but Mr. Sew Fab is heading out of town tomorrow so we're doing our celebration tonight. I'll be making sushi again! We're having more Cowboy Rolls and some Crunchy Shrimp and we've been wondering if Scallops (cooked!) and bacon (cooked!) would be good in sushi so we're giving that a whirl tonight too! And I made Creme Brulee for the first time ever - Keeping my fingers crossed that it turned out o.k.! I'll let you know how all of the Adventures in Cooking go!
Happy Sewing,
happy you had a wonderful staycation - but a little worried about your insomnia -- do you still have it? what a beautiful hot tub and lifeguard!!!!!
happy you had a wonderful staycation - but a little worried about your insomnia -- do you still have it? what a beautiful hot tub and lifeguard!!!!!
Thank you foor sharing this
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