Retro Pricing Plan!
Soooo....the economy sucks. We've all heard this a million times over. And we're all sick of hearing about it. And while the economy keeps going down, down, down the price of cotton keeps going up, up, up. The average price of fabric is now $10.50 - $11.00 per yard! Kind of annoying, huh? So we've decided to create the Retro Pricing Plan and apply it to every single fabric in the shop. Older collections. Brand new collections. Japanese imports. Everything.
What's the Retro Pricing Plan, you ask? Well, we miss the days when quilting fabric was $9 per yard or less. I know it wasn't that long ago (maybe two years) and that it's not really "Retro" but I just thought it sounded cute! And I think it will get the point across. I hope it does......
But we decided to go even a little lower than the "old fashioned" $9 per yard. Every single fabric in the shop is now $8.75 per yard or less. If you find a fabric that is more than $8.75 per yard please let me know.....It just means I missed that one when I was lowering all the prices. And if I can have a moment of radical honesty here let me tell ya was a HUGE undertaking to do this. It took just a wee bit longer than I thought it would! And by "wee bit longer" I mean that I thought I would be making this announcement in November or December!
And I should also mention that this is a semi-permanent price change. This isn't going to last for just a few days or weeks or months. I plan on keeping this around until the economy starts getting better. And then I'll slooooowwwlllly start raising prices back up. No sudden or big jumps here.
And what are all these pretty fabric photos, you ask? Well, one reason they're there is because I think a blog post with no photos is boring. But the more important reason they're there is because these are the new collections that have been pouring into the shop during the last two weeks. In order of appearance (on this blog post) they are: Fly A Kite, Breeze, Backyard Baby and Lush. And yes, they're all $8.75 per yard.
O.K. I'm going to stop talking about this now. I hate talking about businessy stuff in the blog. And I hate sounding sales-pitchy on the blog. But I just had to take a moment to let you all know the great news.
Soooo, Happy Sewing and Happy Shopping,
Yay! Good for you for taking a stance on the economy and helping out the consumer.
I certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness to the consumer. And I love all the fabrics you've posted! Some of my favorites actually!
You have my vote for the "go to" online shop!!!!
This. Is. Awesome.
you are a good person!!!! and you have beautiful fabric!!! and i hope your hard work on the retro prices brings your shop many happy sewers and quilters!!!
Good for you! Fabric prices are so high; its unbelievable at times especially since I remember when I first started quilting in the 1970s I could get yardage for less than a dollar a yard (on sale) and regular at about 2.35 a yard; and patterns were less than a dollar each and now are 12 to 20 a yard for garments. Right now I am in a "use up my stash mode" but I may be buying some actual new fabric from you at your prices - that will be such a treat! Thanks!!!
I think your retro pricing plan is brilliant. I already began perusing the shop as a first time buyer. With the retro prices you will be my first store to shop.
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