Today is National Cat Day. Yup, a holiday to honor cats and to encourage cat adoption. So, here are the "fur babies" who will be celebrating this holiday with me.
Cassi - The Queen Of The Universe... Daisy - The sweet, shy, delicate little angel... And Bailey - The brat who gets away with everything. But just look at him and you'll see why... So, today is the day to treat your cat like royalty. Obviously, I can't figure out how this is different from any other day. But I'll rush out and get some fresh tuna and catnip so at least it looks like I'm making a special effort. And since I can't give the kitties what they really want (No, I'm not getting rid of the dogs!) I've got to do something.
Now, go give your kitty a long as it doesn't disturb their nap.
Hey there, it's me Emma Jane! My pick of the week is this really cool Dandy Damask by Michael Miller. Don't you love it? It's classic but really stylish at the same time. My Mommy has had a large piece of this fabric sitting on her project table FOREVER! I may have to take matters into my own paws and make something with it. Maybe I should try a purse like the Frenchy Bag...... Or the Market Tote..... Or I could make a Hip Skirt..... Or an Uptown Coat..... What do you think? This is gonna be my first sewing project so it may take me a while. Wish me luck!
Alright, this is it. I'm wrapping up the Quilt Market Marathon today!
Here's the amazing Paula Prass and her equally talented daughter, Jenn Storey. Paula designed the amazing Flights of Fancy Collection that I've used in several of my own projects. And Jenn works with her Mom and is a stylist for a jewelery company, Stella & Dot. They are such a fun, sweet, creative and stylish mother-daughter team. We'll be getting some of Paula's new patterns in stock soon. And here's the oh-so-sweet Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs. She's the most amazing applique artiste! Her new applique quilt Le Jardin is simply stunning... And here's Bitsy Button & Friends. I have a feeling that this will be an "Emma's Pick Of The Week" once it arrives.... And here's Melly and Rosalie - 2 talented Australian designers. Hmmm....I may need to do a trip to Australia to research the Quilt Industry there. What do you think? We'll be getting some of their fantastic purse patterns in the shop. I love the pleated pockets with the buttons on the front of this one. And this is a great big bag that's perfect for a weekend or overnight trip. And I just think this one is so cute. And that concludes the Autumn Quilt Market Marathon. The next Quilt Market is in May in Minneapolis, MN. Can't wait!
Anna Maria Horner is so fun to be around! Her enthusiasm for Dobby Dots and Flannel is contagious. And it doesn't hurt that she reminds me so much of my BFF, Annie. She's probably sick of me saying that but every time I see her I have to tell her!
Don't you just love the multi-color pillow with the knot in the middle??? Ooh, and the quilt that's laying on the sofa? That's from the Good Folks Collection. And if you look way, way, way in the background of this one you can see the most adorable dress. Or is it a tunic? I'm not quite sure. I'm short so I'll call it a dress! Anyway, Anna Maria's Good Folks is currently in stock and we'll be getting some of her wonderful patterns in soon.
I wanted to move into Heather Bailey's booth at Quilt Market. Can you blame me? Just look at it... It was fresh, feminine and full of springtime colors. This should come as no surprise but she won a Best Booth Award. On one side she even had a little outdoor scene of laundry hanging in the breeze. And then there was the adorable dress in the corner.... I just want to curl up on that sofa with a glass of lemonade and feel the soft breeze coming from the garden through the open windows on a spring day.....And of course I want to be wearing that dress as I'm doing this. Oh....maybe I should quit fantasizing and mention that Heather's new fabric line is called Nicey Jane and it should be in the shop in December or January. I can't wait. Hmmmm.....should this collection be my new spring wardrobe or should I redecorate the living room to match this fabric....decisions, decisions.
How is it possible? Sandi Henderson has created a new line of fabric that I love as much as her last collection, Farmer's Market. Meadowsweet is the most unbelievable collection of fresh prints and vibrant colors mixed in the most amazing way. And I'm pretty sure my jaw literally dropped when I saw her booth. Just look at those chairs..... I want themmmmmmm!!! And I love the way she did her background wall with the fabric covered squares. And she even made fabric covered letters spelling out Meadowsweet. Sandi is also coming out with some adorable new clothing patterns for grown up girls (like us) and little girls. The adorable dress that Sandi is wearing is one of the new patterns. I think I'll need to make about 10 dresses for myself using her fabrics. The fabrics are coming out in November but we have to wait until January to get the new dress pattern. Oh, and if you haven't read Sandi's Blog, PortobelloPixie, you should check it out. She has the most hilarious stories about all the bears that live in the trees at her new house in Montana. Oh, and Sandi and her husband, Dustin were sooo nice. Quilt Market is just the happiest place on earth - incredibly nice people and beautiful things to see everywhere you look!
Believe it or not, there are still lots more Quilt Market pictures for the rest of the week!
Hey There, it's me Emma Jane. And I'm interrupting the Quilt Market Marathon to bring you my Pick Of The Week. I heard a rumor that my favorite holiday is in about 6 weeks. I don't know what it's called but it's the holiday where I get to eat a small plate of turkey and mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. And any holiday where I get to eat roast turkey for dinner is a GOOOOOOD holiday. And I also heard a rumor that you humans like to start your holiday sewing several weeks before the big day. So, that's why my pick this week is the Turkey Tracks Quilt Kit. The fabrics in the kit are from the Pumpkin & Spice Collection which has been VERY popular. And I can see why - just look at them. They're gorgeous! And check out the border fabric..... Don't you love it? I think my favorite fabric in the collection is this one.... I love all the falling leaves and the little acorns. And the orange color reminds me of pumpkin pie.....
All this talk of food is making me hungry. I'm going to go beg for more treats now.
As always, Holly Holderman of Lakehouse Dry Goods had one of the most amazing booths at Quilt Market. Her new collection, Teatime Floral III is full of the most dreamy, ethereal, cloud-like shades of blue you've ever seen. And as always she's created a beautiful mix of florals, prints, ticking stripes and her signature frosted dots. And there's even a Teacup Panel in the collection.... And I about fainted when I saw this.... It's a panel from her new Dolly Dresses II Collection which will be coming out in the Summer of 2010. Everyone thought it was an applique quilt but it's really, truly a panel with a few small applique embellishments and lots of rick rack and buttons and trims. Here's a close up of one of the blocks in the panel - the only applique are those 2 little pockets.
And this one just has a little applique collar and the rest of the dress is the print on the fabric! Amazing! Teatime Floral III is expected to arrive in January. If you can't wait that long to get yourself some Holly Holderman Wonderful-ness check out her other collections that we currently carry: Doll Dresses, La Grand Jardin, Little Lady and Boy Oh Boy.
Eden is such an appropriate name for Lila Tueller's new collection. Her booth was like stepping into a springtime, fairy-tale wonderland full of dreamy lavendar, pink and buttercup. Luscious is the word that keeps coming to mind. This collection is arriving in January - the perfect time to escape to a spring garden. I love these little birdies..... And these lilac dahlias..... Here's one more peek at Lila's stunning booth: Is anyone else craving rainbow sherbet right now???
Here's the amazing Amy Butler and her incredible booth at Quilt Market showing her new collection, Love. And yes, Love is available in the shop right now! Everything was so bright and colorful and happy at her booth. And Amy is sooooo sweet. And yes, she really is that tall and elegant and beautiful in person.
I have about a million ideas for all the dresses and skirts and tunics and jackets that I want to make with her fabric. My favorite fabric from the new collection is the Teal Bliss Bouquet so at least I know where I'm starting with this new wardrobe! I better get going - I've got a lot of new clothes to make!